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LWPT Meditations - Easter Sunday - Year A
LWPT Meditations - Easter Sunday - Year A
by Susan Thorne
Meditation – Easter Sunday Year A Acts 10:34-43 Psalm 118:1-2, 14-24 Colossians 3:1-4 Matthew 28:1-10 Peter always put the resurrection of Jesus at the heart of his preaching, as did the other disciples. Initially, their witness was only to the Jews, but eventually it extended to
Empty tomb, the body stolen
Empty tomb, the body stolen
by Andrew Pratt
Empty tomb, the body stolen, or, at least, that's how it seemed; but the reason for this vacuum was more strange than they had dreamed. Stones don't roll, nor caverns open, but the dawning of this morn, brought unreasoned understanding to the coming light of dawn. Verses 3-4 foll
Traces of Glory Year B - The Seventh Sunday of Easter (Sunday after Ascension Day) - Year B
Traces of Glory Year B - The Seventh Sunday of Easter (Sunday after Ascension Day) - Year B
by SPCK - David Adam
The Seventh Sunday of Easter (Sunday after Ascension Day) Holy Spirit of God, We watch for you, we wait for you, We look for you, we long for you. Come Holy Spirit, renew us, refresh us, restore us, That we may live and work to your glory;…
Hymn - As hollow as her loneliness
Hymn - As hollow as her loneliness
by Andrew Pratt
As hollow as her loneliness, the emptiness of space, the chilling of the morning air had seemed devoid of grace. She heard a whisper, just the breeze that rustled leaves near by. Her feet had crunched across the stones, her breath a simple sigh. And then with sudden recklessnes
2 Corinthians - The Judgment Seat of the Messiah
2 Corinthians - The Judgment Seat of the Messiah
by SPCK - N T Wright
The Judgment Seat of the Messiah 2 CORINTHIANS 5.6-10 The first thing we were shown when we went to Corinth was the judgment seat. You come up the road Paul would have walked, climbing a bit as you get to the middle of the town, and you find yourself standing in the ancient Forum
An empty cave, the stone removed
An empty cave, the stone removed
by Andrew Pratt
An empty cave, the stone removed, a neatly folded shroud remained, confusion magnified their grief, no sense that life might be regained. So terrified, the women ran, afraid, their world turned upside down, and while the light of dawn had come, their fear became a tattered gown.
Hymn/song: Always missing, never grasping
Hymn/song: Always missing, never grasping
by Andrew Pratt
(Doubting Thomas after Leonard Cohen’s song 'Suzanne' which has the line: '…and Jesus was a sailor...') Always missing, never grasping, hope amid this shifting sea, coast and haven seem remote now, too far off to harbour me. Yet those fishermen are telling news that I can't compr
Hymn: Each hour marks a mighty resurrection
Hymn: Each hour marks a mighty resurrection
by Andrew Pratt
Each hour marks a mighty resurrection, a time of overcoming fate and fear, the dawning of a common understanding in which the grace of God is drawing near. Each morning brings a sense of new creation. New life, new love, encompasses the earth. New time, new light illuminates the
Hymn: He stood with scarred and open hands
Hymn: He stood with scarred and open hands
by Andrew Pratt
He stood with scarred and open hands, their bloodied, but now risen, Lord, incomprehension met his words, their fear had tightened like a cord. His word of peace rang in their ears, yet they could hardly understand. Bemused, unsettled, disbelief meant that the fear they felt was
Monologue/Reflection: Peter reflects after Easter
Monologue/Reflection: Peter reflects after Easter
by Andrew Pratt
Monologue/Reflection: Peter reflects after Easter I suppose no one knew quite what to say. Days had passed. At the height of the festival Jesus had been tried and executed. For the crowds that was becoming a memory. Many folk were returning home. Clouds of dust swirled around the
Paul for Everyone Romans part 1 - God's Action in Messiah and Spirit
Paul for Everyone Romans part 1 - God's Action in Messiah and Spirit
by SPCK - N T Wright
God’s Action in Messiah and Spirit ROMANS 8.1-4 PAUL FOR EVERYONE ROMANS PART 1 1So, therefore, there is no condemnation for those in the Messiah, Jesus! 2Why not? Because the law of the spirit – the one who gives life in the Messiah, Jesus – released you from the law of sin and
John for Everyone part 2 - Jesus and the Disciples
John for Everyone part 2 - Jesus and the Disciples
by SPCK - N T Wright
Jesus and the Disciples John 20.19-23 ‘I couldn’t possibly do that!’ He stood staring at the committee. They had just offered him, not the job he had applied for, but the one above it. The senior position in the whole division. He would be running an entire department. A huge bud
John for Everyone Part 1 - Jesus in the Temple
John for Everyone Part 1 - Jesus in the Temple
by SPCK - N T Wright
Jesus in the Temple John 2.13-25 Imagine the scene in a school. The pupils are all taking their end-of-year exams. The teachers are preparing for a big Open Day when parents and friends will come to visit. Everyone is excited. It’s the biggest moment in the school year. Suddenly
Mark for Everyone - Marriage and the Resurrection
Mark for Everyone - Marriage and the Resurrection
by SPCK - N T Wright
Mark For Everyone MARK 12.18–27 Marriage and the Resurrection... ...After the death of Princess Diana in 1997, ‘books of remembrance’ were placed in public buildings throughout Britain, and indeed in many other parts of the world, particularly in churches and cathedrals, so that
Luke for Everyone - Marriage and the Resurrection
Luke for Everyone - Marriage and the Resurrection
by SPCK - N T Wright
Marriage and the Resurrection Luke 20.27-40 Many churches possess a sequence of pictures that, together, tell a complete story. Sometimes these are in the windows, in stained glass. Sometimes they are painted on the walls or the ceiling. Sometimes they form a frieze, a decorated
Revelation for Everyone - Preparing The Final Plagues
Revelation for Everyone - Preparing The Final Plagues
by SPCK - N T Wright
Preparing the Final Plagues Revelation 15.1-8 What is it that attracts people to the Christian message? What is it that draws them to worship the God whom Christians call ‘father’? If you went round your local church and asked people that, you would (I suspect) get a wide variety
Early Christian Letters for Everyone - Suffering for Doing Right
Early Christian Letters for Everyone - Suffering for Doing Right
by SPCK - N T Wright
Suffering for Doing Right 1 Peter 3.17-22 The older I get, the more I dislike things which need to be put together, after you buy them, by following complicated instructions and diagrams. Part of my dislike is my sense that I will probably get it wrong, force something where it w
Matthew for Everyone Part 2 - The Coming of the Son of Man